There’s nothing quite like looking back on the day as it comes to a close and seeing results – knowing that you’ve actually accomplished something. My mood in the evenings when I’ve had a productive day is entirely different from days when I’m not getting stuff done. I can be exhausted from working my butt… Continue reading The Thrill of Productivity, and the Agony of Deceit
Interview with Me at TechZ’s Place
TechZ from has posted his interview with me over at his place. TZ and I frequent many of the same blogs, so it was cool to be able to sit down and chat. (All virtually of course, being that we’re on opposite sides of the world. Aren’t the ‘nets great?) So if you’d like… Continue reading Interview with Me at TechZ’s Place
Stop Yelling, I’m Sitting Right Here!
Do those obnoxious guys yelling on local car dealer ads actually sell more cars? I’m just asking the question, because I can’t seem to find anyone who actually likes those things. Do they think they’re being cool, or funny? I’m not a violent person, but there’s one doofus that does ads in my town, that… Continue reading Stop Yelling, I’m Sitting Right Here!
Are You Ready to Work from Home?
Wendy over at eMoms at Home has a wonderful post entitled 10 Signs that You are Ready to Start a Home Based Business. She highlights one of the many joys of being a work at home parent: It’s days like today that I am MOST happy, thrilled and excited about the fact that I decided… Continue reading Are You Ready to Work from Home?
Why Settle for Just One Path?
A common struggle for some folks, when it comes to discovering their passion, is their seemingly lack of focus. There have been so many people who I have talked with, that struggle to define a single passion to pursue. Or they have an interest in one area, and suddenly lose that interest and want to… Continue reading Why Settle for Just One Path?