“Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.” – John Shirley This week, I saw one of the coolest things while out walking the dog. There was a light fog all around, and the sun shining through created a small, full rainbow.… Continue reading Are You Living for the Weekend?
Joyful Jubilant Learning
I find it interesting that most home-based business folks I work with have a love of learning. It’s interesting, but not surprising. With all of the many hats that we have to wear, and all of the things we have to know, if you don’t have a love of learning, it makes it difficult to… Continue reading Joyful Jubilant Learning
3 Valuable Lessons from 1st Grade Career Day
You can learn a great deal from entering a first grade class – the majority of it from the kids. Today I went into my daughter’s class to talk about what I do for a living. The idea of course, is to educate them about different occupations – but I ended up taking away some… Continue reading 3 Valuable Lessons from 1st Grade Career Day
The Power of the Niche
A common theme you’ll hear regarding home-business success is the niche. And whether you pronounce it neesh or nich, it can be one of the most powerful words in the lexicon of the home-based business. From targeting your message, to clarifying who your customers are, defining your niche is essential to many aspects of a… Continue reading The Power of the Niche
Ye Coffers Overflowith – When Will you be Wealthy?
Ah, wealth… One of those things most folks seem to be striving for. Money for all the stuff they want, and no worries about bills. But how will you know when you’re wealthy? Have you ever really thought about it? A lot of people think of getting wealth as some instant miracle – winning the… Continue reading Ye Coffers Overflowith – When Will you be Wealthy?