The latest episode of The Creative Venture podcast is now online. In the past few episodes I’ve been talking about planning and goals. This week, I’ll talk about refining those plans, and making them more of a clear picture of what your venture will mean to you.
Welcome to the Conversphere
This isn’t a blog about blogging. There are lots of good ones already out there. But blogging and other social media stuff is an important tool for the home-based business. I call it the conversphere – the conversations that are going on out in the internets – and participating is a valuable way to connect… Continue reading Welcome to the Conversphere
Breaking the Meeting Induced Coma
Often when you’re ready to make the leap to working from home, but have to keep your day job, little things really start to get to you. The absurdity that is Corporate America begins to grate on you, more that it did before. So I began to develop what I call “Pre-Liberation Survival Tools” for… Continue reading Breaking the Meeting Induced Coma
A Business That Accommodates Your Life
Pam Slim over at Escape from Cubicle Nation has a terrific post on how to Avoid becoming the stressed-out, overworked entrepreneur: One of my readers recently asked this very astute question: “Some of the people I know that actually own a business (most of them selling some sort of product or franchise), they complain that… Continue reading A Business That Accommodates Your Life
An Easy Chair Full of Cockroaches
Your comfort zone is like an easy chair full of cockroaches. It may feel good now, but there’s something disturbing squirming underneath. They call it the comfort zone, but it’s not really all that comfortable in the true sense of the word. Staying in a relationship because it’s comfortable is never a good thing. And… Continue reading An Easy Chair Full of Cockroaches