Let me ask you a question… Would you get in your car, drive a few hundred (or more) miles to Port Canaveral, and wait on the dock for a place on a random cruise ship? No reservations, no plans, no itinerary? Seems asinine doesn’t it?
Category: Motivation
Are You A Cereal Entrepreneur?
No, I meant “cereal,” not “serial.” Though I do tend to stretch the rules of grammar in order to get my point across, even I wouldn’t make that big of an error (maybe). So what’s a cereal entrepreneur?
15 Minutes as Your Model of Success
Who is your primary model of success? What one person best captures your idea of living the dream? Modeling is a great technique for learning and understanding what makes someone successful. What would it be like to see through their eyes and live their life?
Finding Your Purpose Isn’t Easy – But Neither Is Having It Handed To You
Searching for your purpose can be exasperating. I’ve talked to folks who have reached the point of tears over not being about to find their purpose. Everything they do is a dead end. Every time they think they have it figured out, it falls through. All they want is to be able to do work… Continue reading Finding Your Purpose Isn’t Easy – But Neither Is Having It Handed To You
My Spin on the Goals Meme
I’m always a little apprehensive about these memes Not that I don’t think they’re interesting – on other blogs. See, as I say pretty often here, this place is more about you than it is about me. My words and little drawings are there strictly to get you inspired, thinking, and taking action. So when… Continue reading My Spin on the Goals Meme