It should come as no surprise that I love hearing stories of people who are taking the leap to follow their passions. I’m a success book junkie, and I never get tired of reading about those who are doing what it takes to attain success. It’s why I do much of what I do. J.D.… Continue reading Moving Imagination and Talking About Money
Category: Motivation
Are You Living for the Weekend?
“Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.” – John Shirley This week, I saw one of the coolest things while out walking the dog. There was a light fog all around, and the sun shining through created a small, full rainbow.… Continue reading Are You Living for the Weekend?
Ye Coffers Overflowith – When Will you be Wealthy?
Ah, wealth… One of those things most folks seem to be striving for. Money for all the stuff they want, and no worries about bills. But how will you know when you’re wealthy? Have you ever really thought about it? A lot of people think of getting wealth as some instant miracle – winning the… Continue reading Ye Coffers Overflowith – When Will you be Wealthy?
Thoughts on Doing What You Love
Gina Laverde over at Mind Petals wrote a terrific post today called “Three Examples of Why You Must Do What You Love:” Every career counselor, self help book and Oprah episode I watch suggests that doing what you love is the key to happiness and success. So I know there must be truth to it.… Continue reading Thoughts on Doing What You Love
5 Ways to Overcome the Home Business Blues, Blahs, and Burnout
Why the heck am I doing this? What’s the point? I’m so sick of this $%#@! There comes a time in every home-based business life when you reach the point of blah. It has happened to every single person I’ve talked to who runs a home-based business. I, myself, know it well. Maybe you’ve hit… Continue reading 5 Ways to Overcome the Home Business Blues, Blahs, and Burnout