“We plan our lives according to a dream that came to us in our childhood, and we find that life alters our plans. And yet, at the end, from a rare height, we also see that our dream was our fate. It’s just that providence had other ideas as to how we would get there.… Continue reading Your Childhood Dreams Fulfilled
Today We Celebrate Our Independence
Here in the U.S. we’re celebrating our Independence Day. Though I don’t always agree with the things our government does, and the choices made by those we put there, I still wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. I love this country, and the great things we do and have done — even when it’s overshadowed… Continue reading Today We Celebrate Our Independence
What Is The Most Important Ingredient For Success?
Throw that question out to a table of 10 entrepreneurs, and you’ll get 10 different answers. I know — I do it all the time. Different experiences and perspectives create different results. No one way of approaching success is better than another — if it works.
Is Being Ripped Off Really a Form of Flattery?
Update: Michel the owner of the site in question has posted a response in the comments below, and sent both Mike and me a private response. I have to say it takes a lot to own up to something, especially in a public forum, and I really respect that. I’ll be contacting Michel directly to… Continue reading Is Being Ripped Off Really a Form of Flattery?
Blogs That Make Me Think… In A Good Way
Guess what? Meme time again. This one’s great though. It allows me to highlight a few of the blogs that make me think. This is good because: a) I like to think, and b) It’s rare to find things that make you think in a good way (as in stimulating, rather than “If it weren’t… Continue reading Blogs That Make Me Think… In A Good Way