Sometimes life throws you a piss-filled water balloon, and you’re wearing cactus gloves. During the 2004 season the Carolina Panthers, with high hopes for another Superbowl shot, were riddled with injuries. Instead of a Superbowl run, they had a 1-7 start.
Author: Tony
South Park, the Philosopher, and the Power of Visual Storytelling
Alan Watts rocks. So do Matt Stone and Trey Parker. When they combine forces to spread some Wisdom — the results demonstrate the power of visual storytelling.
Is Your Dream Just a Metaphor for Your Ideal Work?
“What do you want to be when you grow up?“ Harold always answered the same way — architect. From the time he was 6 years old, being an architect was all Harold wanted to do. He drew plans, made models, and took pictures of buildings.
Does Your Business Pass the Head-Tilt Test?
It’s a familiar gesture. Head tipped to one side, ears up. Made famous by the RCA dog, it’s how the canine mind deals with the perplexing. But you’ve probably noticed humans sometimes do it too. It may accompany a “Huh…?” or the less polite “WTF…?” And if it happens when you describe your business, you… Continue reading Does Your Business Pass the Head-Tilt Test?
2 Factors to Determine If You’re Arrogant or Confident
Some interesting points about arrogance versus confidence were brought up on my “You May Already Be an Expert…” post. I actually expected that. Does that make me arrogant or confident?