If Working for a Jerk Motivated Your Self-Employment, What Are You Motivating?

“I would rather work for an up-turned broom with a bucket for a head than work for anyone else in this office besides myself.” ~ Stanley from The Office One of the top reasons that people set out on their own is that they hate their boss. Often, it’s the last straw. It’s the motivation… Continue reading If Working for a Jerk Motivated Your Self-Employment, What Are You Motivating?

Are You Waiting for Success or Planning for Success?

Let me ask you a question… Would you get in your car, drive a few hundred (or more) miles to Port Canaveral, and wait on the dock for a place on a random cruise ship? No reservations, no plans, no itinerary? Seems asinine doesn’t it?

When the Ninjas Crossed the Street, I Completely Lost My Train of Thought

But it made for a great start to a great weekend. I was riding to the hotel for SOBCon in the airport shuttle. Jason Alba from JibberJobber and I were discussing the start-up life, when two ninjas crossed the street in front of the shuttle. I haven’t been to Chicago in a couple of years,… Continue reading When the Ninjas Crossed the Street, I Completely Lost My Train of Thought

Off to SOBCon

Well, I’m on my way to Chicago for SOBCon 2007 (or depending on when you’re reading this, sitting in an airport waiting). It will be interesting to meet friends face-to-face for the first time. Friends I’ve met through my wanderings around the neighborhoods of the interwebs. I hope to see you there… And If You… Continue reading Off to SOBCon