The Goal Writing Instigator

info-guyMy friend Ben Yoskovitz over at Instigator Blog is running a great series on goal setting.

It’s one of those topics you hear a lot about, but that can often be confusing. Ben and the contributors to the group blog project are really doing a great job of providing some wonderful food for thought. I’m actually going to be talking about goals in next week’s episode of The Creative Venture, but here’s the main advice I give to those asking about goal setting:

Don’t worry so much about how to do it, just do it.

There are so many methods and “best ways” offered around goal setting, when what really works best, is what works for you. About the only universal thing I recommend is writing them down in some form or fashion.

One of my favorite books on the subject is “Write It Down Make It Happen” by Henriette Anne Klauser. The simple guidelines and different approaches really speak to a wide variety of people.

Be sure to check out next week’s podcast for more. In the mean time, visit the Post-Thanksgiving Goal Writing Project over on Ben’s blog, and join in with your own goals.