This post is part four in the Goal Setting Success series. You know that feeling you get when you’ve accomplished a goal? It’s a sort of mix of elation and surprise, right? The surprise doesn’t come from the fact that you reached your goal. Anyone who sets goals is pretty confident that they’ll reach them.
The Finer Points of Writing Goals
This post is part three in the Goal Setting Success series. The difference between a wish and a goal is that a goal is specific, actionable, and measurable. Wanting to “make lots of money” is a wish. Committing to making $10,000, by a specific date, doing a specific set of actions is a goal. It’s:… Continue reading The Finer Points of Writing Goals
Master Your Master Goals
This post is part two in the Goal Setting Success series. What do you want — love, health, money, fame, inner peace? What are you working towards? What do you dream of having? Your Master Goals are those high level, yet somewhat measurable things you want out of life. Your Master Goals also tie directly… Continue reading Master Your Master Goals
The Key Elements of an Ideal Life
This post is part one in the Goal Setting Success series. What makes life worth living? What is so important to you that it is absolutely essential for an ideal life? The answers to these questions point to your Key Elements — the fundamental drivers for everything that you do.
Goal Setting Success: Setting Goals So You Actually Accomplish Them
The number one, absolute best way to guarantee your success, is to write out your goals. How many times have you heard that? Dozens? Hundreds? But how exactly do you go about it?