This is part two of the Hierarchy of the Successfully Self-Employed series. “Freelancing is for suckers…” I can still picture the scene clearly. It’s a networking function, with a cash bar. The loudmouth is sitting with a group of people, going on and on about his work. When I heard the “freelancing is for suckers…”… Continue reading Freelancing Is For Suckers
Category: Personal Development
Hierarchy of the Successfully Self-Employed
Maslow had his hierarchy of needs. The self-employed have our hierarchy of success. In this series, I’m going to cover each of the levels, look at how you move up the hierarchy, and explain why you’d want to.
If You Can Do Stand-Up, You Can Do Anything
Want to become a better public speaker? How about overcoming some fears? Public speaking is often cited as the number one fear people have. More than death. Jerry Seinfeld even did a bit about it.
Is Positive Thinking a Waste of Time?
“I tried the positive thinking thing. It just didn’t work for me — affirmations, visualizations — I think it’s all a bunch of hooey.” How many times have you heard this? Have you said it or thought it yourself? The problem is that positive thinking isn’t some magic formula. It — GASP! — requires some… Continue reading Is Positive Thinking a Waste of Time?
Goals in the Wild – Synchronicity, Opportunity, and Attraction
This post is part four in the Goal Setting Success series. You know that feeling you get when you’ve accomplished a goal? It’s a sort of mix of elation and surprise, right? The surprise doesn’t come from the fact that you reached your goal. Anyone who sets goals is pretty confident that they’ll reach them.