“Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.” ~ Immanuel Kant I’m pleased to announce that I’ve joined LifeRemix — an amazing collection of blogs that focus on personal development, organization, productivity, right-livelihood, finances, and family. The fact that most of these blogs are already in my must-read category, made the decision a no-brainer. The… Continue reading A Band of Bloggers Who Enrich People’s Lives through Blogging
Author: Tony
Gurus Share More By Doing Less
This is part five of the Hierarchy of the Successfully Self-Employed series. Becoming a guru is not about something you attain. It’s about something you realize. Two simple realizations separate the guru from everyone else — and once those realizations occur, it forever changes the way they look at the world.
You May Already Be an Expert… You Just Don’t Know It
This is part four of the Hierarchy of the Successfully Self-Employed series. Sam Donovan is an expert. Allow me to demonstrate…
All the Aggravation of Employment, Without All the Perks
This is part three of the Hierarchy of the Successfully Self-Employed series. What’s the difference between an independent contractor and a hooker? A hooker doesn’t get a 1099. That was a running joke in the group of contractors I worked with in my first long-term gig. They were a cynical and bitter lot, but they… Continue reading All the Aggravation of Employment, Without All the Perks
Freelancing Is For Suckers
This is part two of the Hierarchy of the Successfully Self-Employed series. “Freelancing is for suckers…” I can still picture the scene clearly. It’s a networking function, with a cash bar. The loudmouth is sitting with a group of people, going on and on about his work. When I heard the “freelancing is for suckers…”… Continue reading Freelancing Is For Suckers