Think Of Being Self-Employed As Your Dream Job with the Perfect Boss

Some people have a hard time thinking of their work as a business. Many struggle with the leap from working at a job to running a business. They’ve been in a job so long, that trying to envision working for themselves is difficult. It’s pretty common. Know what? That’s okay, since in reality working for… Continue reading Think Of Being Self-Employed As Your Dream Job with the Perfect Boss

Cultivating Business Relationships Is Not Like Cultivating Turnips

“The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the delightfully vague.” ~ Bill Cosby You know what drives me crazy? Home-based businesses that try to advertise and market like a big corporate monster. From the 1980’s. One of the biggest benefits of being small is agility and the personal… Continue reading Cultivating Business Relationships Is Not Like Cultivating Turnips