Taking a Kid’s Sick Day

Gretchen Rubin over at The Happiness Project has a great post about her bad morning. … she started to make the universal sign for “ear infection” – pathetically batting the air next to her head, trying to wave away the pain. Listening to your own baby crying in pain is agonizing. This is obviously advantageous… Continue reading Taking a Kid’s Sick Day

MindFUD Tenderizer – Another Perspective on Marinating Ideas

I’ve always loved the term “marinating ideas.” Being a foodie, the imagery fits well for me. Folks that know me can expect to get the answer “let it marinate” whenever we’re discussing big ideas. Glen at LifeDev has a great post on letting ideas marinate for blog posts, which ProBlogger Darren Rowse follows up with… Continue reading MindFUD Tenderizer – Another Perspective on Marinating Ideas