Holiday Hiatus

News from the NestI’ve been planning on taking a hiatus from blogging over the holidays, but things have been so slow around here, it’s been more transitional than a sudden stop :).

Anyway, I’m taking a break from the blog for the next few weeks, and will be back after the New Year.

Thanks to everyone for stopping by, reading, and subscribing this year.

I wish you a joyful and abundant holiday season.


  1. I hope your holidays have been great, but I’m looking forward to seeing your blog start up again. BTW, I enjoy your drawings as much as your posts. Don’t take that as a slam on your writing, but you blog wouldn’t have caught my attention without the artwork.

  2. Pingback: BrainBasedBusiness
  3. Your few short weeks have turned into 3 long months… going on 4. Miss your posts and hope that you’re doing okay at the nest.

    Chris Brown (we met at SOBCon’07)

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